Only 12 more days till the big race! Check out today’s inspirational runners spotlight on Patrick Ingram!
Check out Patrick’s awesome story and donate to his marathon here !
1. Patrick, tell us a little about yourself…
I currently live in Fredericksburg, Virginia and am the Testing Coordinator at The Fredericksburg Area HIV AIDS Support Services (FAHASS). I am an HIV/AIDS advocate and also blogger through my website I am on the Youth Advisory Council for The National Minority AIDS Youth Initiative To End HIV/AIDS In America.
2. At TGP we use fun nicknames to engage the kids, what would yours be?
My nickname would have to be RadioShack due to me always attempting to lug around as much technology as possible (it will be tough not trying to bring along my macbook, iphone, iPod, PSOne, and nook just to have them).
3. What made you want to run the MCM with TGP?
I was diagnosed HIV positive on World AIDS Day 2011. I want to run the marathon to help in any way that I can to provide any support to DC, which is hit hard by this epidemic. I
4. What was your athletics experience?
My athletic experience runs deeps due to me being a multi-sport athlete (tennis and swimming).
5. How was training for this marathon?
Training for the Marine Corps Marathon has both very difficult but a rewarding experience. I have seen myself lose weight and become healthier, improve on my ability to run longer distances, push myself beyond my limits, and grow my friendship with my friends who I am running with in this year’s marathon (Rene and Theo).
6. Do you have a favorite athlete role model?
My favorite athlete of all time has to be Serena Williams. I hope in any of my endeavors that I can be as successful over a longer period of time like she has.
7. At TGP we give SHOUTOUTS to show praise. Who would you give a SHOUTOUT to right now?
My major shout out would one have to be all of my supporters from Pozlifeofpatrick. These people helped me get to my fundraising goal, share their personal stories on how they are affected by HIV (which motivates me tremendously), and keep me in their thoughts and prayers as I have gone on this journey. Fellow Grassroots Project runner Rene Carranza has ran with me on every long run and has motivated me to stay next to him and keep on running, especially on the 10+ mile runs, when I was just so used to being lazy and quitting. He has always been patient and has allowed me to get to the point where I was once always behind trailing the entire run to now where I can keep up and run right along side him.
8. If you were trapped on an island and could bring only 3 people with you, who would they be?
So if I was trapped on an island I would assume it would be for a long period of time so I would have to bring Wendy Williams because I know you would have enough gossip, news, and funny stories to keep me entertained. Also Kenny G and his sax to keep me calm and relax as I would go insane after some period of time because Wendy would start to probably drive me insane.