What is your name?
- My name is Myaira
Grassroot nickname and why ?
- My grassroots name is Peanut, and I got my name from my grandfather because he says my head is shaped like an almond…but “almond” is a weird name to call somebody, so he gave me the name “
peanut .”
Fun/Interesting facts about you:
- I am really good at math.
Where were you born and raised?
- I was born at Providence Hospital, and I was raised in Northwest DC.
What do you do on your free time ?
- In my free time, I enjoy shopping, watching scary movies on Netflix, hanging out with family, and video games.
Who is your role model?
- My role model is my mother because through thick and thin, she has proved to me that she can get through pretty much anything no matter the situation, and I really like that about her.
What do you like about working at Grassroots so far?
- So far I am really enjoying Grassroots. Grassroots is somewhere I feel I can be myself because it is a small team and they are very open to change. As a team, we always work together to complete various tasks. Two tasks that I enjoy the most are inputting data into Salesforce and inventory because I like seeing the results from the data and inventory, and it is a fun task we do as a team while building relationships. The data that I put into Salesforce
are the pre and post surveys on the information that is taught to the middle schoolers through the program. The pre-survey is a diagnostic survey to see what they know, and the post-survey is to see what they have learned throughout the program. Inventory happens at the end of each 8-week program, as a team we work together to count the items that we received back from the school and compare it to how many we need for the next program.
If you had to explain the purpose behind grassroots how would you explain it ?
- I would say that Grassroots is a non-profit organization that educates middle school students on sexual, nutrition and mental health to improve statistics in the Washington D.C area, educate the kids on the choices they have in future, and also to encourage them to spread this information.
What are your main responsibilities at Grassroots ?
- As an intern I:
- Collect data to figure out what students in D.C know and what they need to learn
- Inventory
- Program logistics
- Assist with student-athlete training
What is your favorite memory with Grassroots so far?
- My favorite memory so far is the student-athlete training because it was nice to see the college kids learning the curriculum like they were the middle schoolers.
What is the best thing you feel you have gotten from Grassroots?
- Something I have improved is my time management, and Grassroots helped me because the work that has been given to me helped with creating a system to get the task done and with this system I have created it has helped me with meeting the deadlines.
What is your name?
My name is Nea’la
What is Grassroots nickname and why?
My nickname is Babygirl because I was the baby out of all my cousins and I was the only girl. I’ve always been called Babygirl.
Where were you born and raised?
I was born in Howard Hospital and I was raised in Southeast DC.
What do you do in your free time?
In my freetime, I watch Vampire Diaries, I eat, and I sleep.
What are some interesting facts about?
An interesting fact about me is that I am a dancer, and my favorite color is blue.
Who is your role model and why?
My role model is my mom because she can easily make things that are impossible, possible.
What do you like about working at Grassroots?
I like working here because it is a fun and positive environment. I can be myself when I am at work, it’s a no judge zone. We can listen to music while doing work. We work together while having fun conversations whether they be educational or just general conversations. Even though they keep me busy, the work is never too overwhelming. Two tasks that I enjoy doing here are writing and assisting with the events that Grassroots holds like Grassroot Connect. Grassroot Connect is a ceremony we hold to commemorate the children for working hard with student-athletes through the 8-week program.
If you had to explain the purpose for Grassroots, how would you explain it?
Grassroots is a non-profit organization that trains voluntary college athletes to go into different middle schools in Washington, DC and teach them about sexual, nutritional, and mental health. The information that is taught to the middle schoolers will help them in the future with knowing how to maintain a good and healthy life.
What are your main responsibilities at Grassroots?
As an intern I:
- Collect data and put it into SalesForce
- Inventory
- Program Management
- Logistics
- Assist with student-athlete training
What is your favorite memory about Grassroots so far?
My favorite memories are from Grassroots Connect because the kids seemed to really enjoy it, and I also liked the student-athlete training because the athletes were very energetic about the program.
What is the best thing you have gained from TGP so far?
Something that I have always wanted is to work is my writing skills, and TGP has given me a lot of writing opportunities in order to better those skills.